Our Services
Assigned as the winner of the international bidding tender, GVCW has met the central requirements of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has managed to offer bespoke services to meet the local needs of the applicants and the consular missions that serve them.
This was made possible only through a custom-made electronic platform that GVCW has created in order to manage the collection of personal information, document processing, secure encryption and data transfer to information support systems and software products for booking appointments electronically as well as submitting applications on line.
GVCW excels in implementing tailor-made solutions where needed. As the newest Visa Service Provider in this highly specialized international market, its priorities, while serving client Governments and organizations, are the following:
Delivering a high level professional service to visa applicants who intend to visit our client’s country.
Collecting, according to the demands of the EU-Schengen Regulation, applicants’ biometric data in the most secure electronic way and securely transmit them to the Consulate of jurisdiction, thus ensuring total protection of applicants’ confidential information and personal data.
Reducing the workload of the Consular Missions abroad, as well as their cost of purchasing sophisticated equipment to meet the increasing demand for visas.
Simplifying and expediting the procedures for issuance of visas.
Providing Governments with professional solutions.
Maintaining a positive image of the country abroad.
Investing in education and training of professionals.
Securing the most favorable working conditions for employees.