Travel Medical Insurance
Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 (Article 15) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009, which entered into force on April 5 of 2010, applicants must purchase a travel insurance product before applying for a travel visa. Purchasing adequate travel insurance is one of the requirements of the Schengen visa.
The requirements for Schengen travel insurance are:
- The travel insurance should include medical evacuation/ repatriation.
- Minimum coverage of EUR 30,000 (denominated in Euros).
- The insurance company must have a representative office in a European Union country.
- The insurance must be valid for the whole duration of your stay in the Schengen area.
You can purchase insurance coverage from any insurer of your selection. However, in order to expedite and facilitate your application, we wish to bring to your knowledge that GVCW is partnering, through INSURTE, a European company acting under EU laws, with first-class European Insurance Companies.
Travel safe and with peace of mind by selecting a 100% compliant insurance among the 4 European leaders, Allianz, Axa, Europ Assistance and Mutuaide.
- Search into the comparison tool
- Complete the application process
- Receive immediately your contract.